Interim Managers
Management Consultants
Obtaining the right skillset
Hired based on personal abilities and reputation.
Chosen by an agency out of whatever resources they have available.
Benefits from cutting costs and improving company effectiveness quickly, as it enhances his or her reputation for future jobs.
Benefits from pushing his or her agency’s additional services or lengthening the service timeline to increase agency revenue.
Active involvement
Both advises on the situation and implements the solution.
Advises on a situation but leaves implementation to you.
Reports, and is accountable directly to you.
Reports to an agency, which wastes time and creates a potential conflict of interest.
Internal Control
Works with your own team, under your complete control.
Works with agency resources, outside of your control.
Specialist in the field you need, assuring you of the experience your needs require.
Generalist whose experience may or may not fit your need.